Join Salubri Cat's Harry, Huddy from Huddyvonschland, Jersh from Strange Adventures and I as we (well, most of us) read the first of the Clan Novels, Toreador.
Unfortunately Harry was pointed at the Clan Novel compilations by me, which meant that he only caught a small bit of the Clan Novel as someone had the bright idea of putting all the novels in Chronologically instead of book by book. My apologies Harry, I hope the next novel makes more sense.
The Beckoning is a podcast where four Vampire nerds sit down to talk about upcoming releases, personal experiences and so forth. We have decided to read the Clan Novels from First to Last and discuss them here on the Beckoning. Hopefully this won't spoil things for you as the novels can still be found online if you wish to read them for yourselves!
Thanks to everyone who came by and see you when we review Novel number Two, Tzimisce, over at Jersh's Twitch.
[ Ссылка ]
Our casters are:
Harry from [ Ссылка ]
Jersh from [ Ссылка ]
Huddy from [ Ссылка ]
Chris from [ Ссылка ]
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The Beckoning Book Club - Toreador Clan Novel
VampireVampire: the MasqueradeVtMWhite WolfWorld of DarknessWoDThe Onyx PathStrange AdventuresHuddyvonschlandThe PrimogenCamarillaSabbatAnarchsStorytimeToreadorloreSalubri CatTremereGiovanniEye of HazimelClan NovelClanNovelClan Novel ToreadorReviewBook clubBeckoning Book ClubToreador Clan NovelThe BeckoningBeckoningHuddyHarryJershLeopoldVictoria AshHeshaAtlantaCaitiffFall of AtlantaEast Coast WarSabbat Offensive