「吟」テープ 小林北鵬
Singer (Gin) : Mr. Kobayashi Hokuho.
Instrumental arrangement (Henkyoku) : Mr. Funakawa Toshio.
[Koto] Mrs. Ishigaki Kiyomi.
[Jushichi Gen] Mrs. Ihara Junko.
河野正明 Mr. Kono Masaaki.
三橋貴風 Mr. Mihashi Kifu.
中島蓉盟 Mr. Nakajima Yomei.
「舞」Dance (Mai):
ゾリチチ龍城 Mr. Zoricic Ryujo.
リズカラク Mrs. Liz Clarke.
Kenbu is a sword dance which depicts a sung/recited poem, the poems are written about events in feudal Japanese history by Samurai warriors and poets.
Poetry writing was a popular art among the Samurai class.
This style of poem is know as Kanshi (漢詩), "Kanshi" is a Japanese term for Chinese poetry. A Kanshi poem is written in Chinese, therefore any Samurai warrior or poet to write a Kanshi poem is evident to be a well educated person.
Kanshi poetry has many forms, poems vary in length (by number of lines), in number of syllables (per line) and by rhyming rules.
This piece is a Jojishi (叙事詩) or Epic poem telling of historical events. It has seven syllable (七言) per line, and is a Risshi poem (律詩) [name of eight line poem]. It would be categorized as a Shichigon Risshi (七言律詩) poem in poetry or text books.
The recitation of this poetry is known as Shigin (詩吟). Though the poem is written in Chinese, it is sung in Japanses. A manner was invented so the poem could be read in Japanese for Shigin. This invented reading system is known as Kaki Kudashi Bun (書き下し文) which utilizes basic Hiragana alphabet with the original poem.
Dainanko By Kono Tenrai(1868-1941):
Chinese Version:
大楠公 河野天籟 作
赤 坂 之 城 千 窟 屯
妖 雲 漠 漠 捲 天 臻
夢 新 笠 置 山 頭 曉
花 散 香 薫 芳 野 春
呑 涙 訣 兒 櫻 井 驛
笑 而 就 死 湊 川 津
南 風 不 競 雖 塗 地
偉 績 長 傳 忠 烈 神
Kaki Kudashi Bun Version:
大楠公 河野天籟作.
赤坂の城 千窟の屯
妖雲漠漠 天を捲いて臻る
夢は新たなり 笠置山頭の曉
花は散り香は薫る 芳野の春
涙を呑んで児に別る 櫻井の驛
笑って死に就く 湊川の津
南風競わず 地に塗ると雖も
偉績長えに傳う 忠烈の神
This poem is written about the events surrounding Kusanoki Masashige (楠木 正成). Masashige lead the loyalist forces supporting the Go-Daigo Tenno Emperor (後醍醐天皇) against the Bakufu forces (Samurai ruled government). Which was a battle for leadership of the country. This poem mentions the battles which ensued, and the farewell between Masashige and his son Kusanoki Masatsura(楠木 正行), at the Sakurai Outpost before the deciding battle at Minatogawa(湊川の戦い) [near modern day Kobe] on July 4, 1336.This period is known as the Nanboku-cho Jidai(南北朝時代), or the period of the North and South Court(1336 -1392).
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