The loudspeaker controversy escalated on Wednesday when Maharashtra Navnirman Sena workers played Hanuman Chalisa at some distance from a mosque in Navi Mumbai. They also raised slogans like "Jai Shri Ram" and "Maharashtra Navnirman Sena cha...Jai so".
MNS chief Raj Thackeray on Tuesday asked his supporters to play Hanuman Chalisa where the loudspeakers let out Azaan on Wednesday. He had earlier set Wednesday as the deadline for the removal of loudspeakers from mosques.
On May 1, while addressing a massive rally in Maharashtra's Aurangabad, Raj Thackeray said if loudspeakers are not removed from mosques by Wednesday, he would ensure that the Hanuman Chalisa is played outside the establishments at 'double power'. An FIR was filed against him on Tuesday for his “inflammatory speech”.
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