Witness the captivating world of Argentine Tango as Carlitos Espinoza and Manuela Rossi take to the floor at a local milonga. This video offers a rare glimpse into the unscripted and genuine moments of Tango, as these renowned dancers join the ronda with fellow Tango enthusiasts.
Experience the excitement and camaraderie of this magical night as they seamlessly blends their exceptional skills with those of other dancers in the community. This heartfelt performance embodies the true essence of Argentine Tango and the beauty of shared connection on the dance floor.
Be sure to like, comment, and subscribe for more captivating Tango experiences, and enjoy this unforgettable night of dancing.
🕺 Dancers: Carlitos Espinoza, Manuela Rossi, Sebastian Achaval
🎵 Music: Carlos Di Sarli y Alberto Podesta - No Esta
📍 Location: tanGO TO istanbul (Istanbul, Turkey)
#ArgentineTango #CarlitosEspinoza #ManuelaRossi #SebastianAchaval #TangoRonda #TangoCommunity
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