To be honest I hoped this will fix an issue with weird noise coming from my car, but it didnt, however this was a work that I had to do any way, since it is not OK if you can shake your car tire as I did, definitely my car's lower control arm was worn out.
So on this video I am showing how to replace your 1.5 Dci LM0 Renault Megane 2 lower control arm, how to remove the old one and how to install a new control arm.
To be honest this is not that hard work nor that expensive, since you can get a new part, and not the cheapest brand e.g. for just $40 and drive safe for at least another life of your car :D
The main thing what you will definitely need beside the basic tools and set of sockets, as well some extension bar for your wrench so you have a good leverage to easily open all the bolts :)
Probably the hardest part is how to install back the new control arm, but if you will watch the video you will see that it is not that hard if you know the sequence what bolt to install first and what last.
By the way this is the first time I replaced this part on my car so if I can do it, you can do it as well, just make sure you take good care of all the safety aspects :)
RENAULT MEGANE 2 Lower Control Arm Replacement
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