Today we are going to look at water desalination. In 2015, a series of droughts began to dry up a dam in southern Africa. The source of almost half of the water available in Cape Town, South Africa. In 2018, the city was approaching “Day Zero”. Cape Town was the first major city to risk running out of water, but it won't be the last. London, Beijing, Jakarta or even Tokyo could all face their own "Day Zero" in the decades to come. Yet our planet is covered in water. It is even called the blue planet with its more than a billion billion liters of water. The problem is that 97% of this water is salty. Additionally, much of the fresh water happens to be frozen in glaciers and other ice caps. Finally, only 1% of the Earth's water is drinkable. This is where water desalination comes in!
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Can Desalination Solve the World Water Crisis?
aTechdessalementcrise de l'eaudisponibilité de l'eaueau de mereau douceeau proprechangement climatiquefiltration de l'eaudurabilitétechnologieingénieriesciencefonctionnement du dessalement de l'eau de mereauselday zeroimpact environnementaldessalement de l'eau de merfonctionnement du dessalementprocessus de dessalementeau potableeau saléedessalement expliquécrise mondiale de l'eau