When we go to the butcher to buy a piece of meat, we are really spoiled for choice for all the cuts we can find. How to choose the one that best suits the type of recipe we want to prepare? Here is a brief guide to the main cuts of beef and veal, to know them and to learn how choosing the most suitable piece for our needs.
The different types of cuts of beef are generally divided into first, second and third categories, depending on whether they are part of the posterior quarter, the anterior quarter, or parts of the abdomen and limbs respectively. The first category cuts are the best, most precious and tender, coming from the dorsal-lumbar region and the thigh of the animal, ideal for grilling: the short loin and sirloin, the fillet or tenderloin, the rump and the round belong for instance to this group.
The second category cuts instead come from the anterior quarter, and therefore the dorsal part, ribs and shoulder, which have different morphological characteristics for smaller dimensions, greater quantities of fat, connective and cartilage than the posterior one, but still good from the point of view of nutritional and organoleptic properties, ideal for roasting or stewing. This group includes for example the chuck, the rib and brisket.
In the third category we find the cuts coming from the limbs, from the neck and from the belly, like the shank, the plate and the flank, very fat and tasty, ideal for long cooking such as broths, boiled or to be minced.
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