Sugár Bertalan jógaoktaktató, de ez nem volt mindig így.
Évtizedekig a színpadon élt, de leginkább a fejében. Azt hitte, hogy számára ez a létezés egyetlen lehetséges formája. Aztán máshogy alakultak a dolgok, és be kellett látnia, hogy a túléléshez több kell, mint egy gyerekkori idea hajszolása. Elmozdulni egy általunk kreált kényszerpályáról félelmetes mutatványnak tűnhet, de egy helyben toporogni sokkal idegölőbb. Hosszú évekbe telt, mire sikerült levedlenie a szerepet, amihez annyira ragaszkodott. A változás úgy tört be az életébe, hogy észre sem vette. Mire feleszmélt, ott volt az ember, aki egyre jobban hasonlít rá, és aki egy nap lesz. Az előadás 2019. december 14-én hangzott el. Zongorán kísér: Novai Gábor | Bertalan Sugár is a yoga instructor who dedicates himself to lifelong learning and self improvement. He had started his career on the stage: from a very young age, he played in theaters and published records. It took a long time for him to admit that he should stop chasing his childhood dream. He quit his false role and found his new calling in the philosophy of yoga. In his talk, he suggests that change can be painful but fruitful at the same time. This talk was given on December 14, 2019. Piano: Gabor Novai. Bertalan Sugár is a yoga instructor who dedicates himself to lifelong learning and self improvement. He had started his career on the stage: from a very young age, he played in theaters and published records. It took a long time for him to admit that he should stop chasing his childhood dream. He quit his false role and found his new calling in the philosophy of yoga. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at [ Ссылка ]
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