Hey Guys! I finally got the board I had been waiting for to get my TBS Racetracker fixed. Now I am bringing to you guys PART 1 of the Two Part review series comparing the LapRF From Immersion RC with the TBS Racetracker.
On this video we will be looking at the physical characteristics of each unit and cracking them open to take a quick glance at what makes them work. I will also be giving you guys my initial impressions.
Part 2 will cover the actual field testing and comparison between the two units. I am curious to see how they work out in the field and how accurately they can keep time.
So make sure you SUBSCRIBE because there is more awesome stuff coming including the RAPTURE build & Review series. That crazy Plus + configuration quad from Shendrones!
LapRF Vs. TBS Racetracker - [ Review ] - Part #1
LapRFTBSTBS RacetrackerRace TrackerRace TimingTiming SystemImmersion RCTeam Black Sheepfpvtbsdrone racingteam black sheepdronefpvlifetbs racetrackerdrone squadrace trackerfpv lifedronesfpv racingdvrteam blacksheeptimerquadcopterracetrackerdrone racing footagetbs race trackertbs lap timerteam black sheep racetrackerteam black sheep race trackerteam black sheep lap timertbs race tracker review