In this video we will learn how to create and use feature module.
We will be creating the angular application.
We will be creating a feature module with the help of angular CLI
ng g m 'modulename'
then we will try to add component inside that module.
ng g c 'module/component'
Then we will import that module ( feature module ) to the app / root module.
We will try to use 'export' array in order to export the component inside the feature module to the root module and we will render the view of new component of feature module to the app.component.html.
You will get to know the use of declaration, imports, exports etc arrays.
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HTMl,Object Oriented Programming,AngularJS,Angular10,Angular9,Angular8,Angular7,Angular2,javascript,js,sql,sql server,programming,coding,algorithm,rxjs,rxjs operator,map,tap,retry,debounce,operator,learn programming,learn javascript program,learn angualr,angular module,component,angular component,router,route,route map,routemap,routerLink,route ROuter,parammap observable,observable,subject,subject observable,behavior subject,async subject,replay subject,complete in subject,next,next in subject,angular feature,angular CLI,CLI,generate component,generate service in angular,module,angular module,sort array,array,angular structural directive,*ngIf,*ngSwitch,*ngDefaultCase,*ngFor,template,angular template,angular view template,angular class,angular style,define class in angular,define property in angular,define events in angular,passing data between component,route parameters,route module,navigate,nagivatebyUrl,angular navigation,angular route,global method in javascript,javascript tutorial,javascript functions,javascript events,call javascript methods,wildcard route in angular,wildcard in urls,pathmatch in angular,redirectTo in angular,services in angular,how to use service in angular,how to use dependency injection in angular,dependency injection,router-outlet directive,pipes,pipe in angular,pipes in angualr,pure pipes in angular, impure pipes in angular,custom pipe in angualr,change detection in angular,ng-template,ng-container,use of ng-template in angular,use of ng-container in angular,angular event binding,binding property in angular,hostlistener,hostlistener in angular,angular architecture,create angular application,create new angular application,add subscribers in observable,add or remove subscriber to observable,next,complete,error,call next in observable,call error in observable,call complete,observable observers,@ViewChild component,debounce operator RxJS,concate operator,combineLatest,mergeMap,mergeAll,map,switchMap,building an angular app with akita,event emitter,eventemitter,database,visual studio,c#,dot net,mvc,class,object
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