Learn to play House Of The Rising Sun by the Animals with C 10-hole diatonic or with a chromatic harmonica.
Simple and easy harmonica tutorial to play along a backing track for beginners. Visualize the notes and tablature to train your harmonica skills in realtime.
Don't forget to slow down videos to 0.5x or 0.75x playback speed in order to train on a slower setting first.
00:00 C tuning tutorial
03:01 Outro
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Disclaimer: The music featured in this tutorial is a copyrighted work owned by its respective creators. This tutorial is intended for educational purposes only, and I do not claim any ownership of the music. All rights belong to their respective owners. Thank you for understanding.
Harmonica Tutorial - House Of The Rising Sun - The Animals
Tablaturetabsharmonicaeasysimplelearnplayrealtimefollownotesmiditutorialtuning10-holediatonicpopsheetmusicbeginnerintermediateadvancedpopularhow to playinstrumentblowdrawvideo gamesongostthemewieldyskillsteachvisualizeplayerbacking trackcovereducationhow topartitionsheetssheet musiclessoninstrumentalfingeringwindwoodwindnotationtabguitarliveHouse Of The Rising SunThe AnimalsDon't let me be misunderstoodHarmonia tabs