“Your hair looks so nice 😍
Thanks! It’s a wig 😳😳
Yup. That’s what I say. And it’s been a huge growth moment for me to just admit. “Yup, I wear wigs” 🙋🏻♀️🙋🏻♀️
Growth in that I don’t care. I don’t need to hide behind anything anymore. We go through life being so ashamed by things we choose to do, or who we choose to be, in fear that someone is going to have an “opinion” about it 👏🏻👏🏻
Let them.
Let them think you shouldn’t do the thing?
Let them think you don’t need to wear the makeup?
Let them think you shouldn’t get Botox? Wear colored contacts? And the list goes on!!!!
I’ve learned and continue to learn that even though I may not choose to make the same decisions as you. It does not affect me and does not matter. I want you to be YOU 💕
So….do you, and do not apologize for it. It’s the most freeing and liberating thing I’ve ever done in my life.
We only have one life to live and I am a firm believer you should live it however you want ❤️ what I’ve learned is people will love you even more for it.
I will be over here to champion you, support you and cheer you on.
I’m forever grateful for the team at @follea for giving me the courage to WEAR the hair!! And LOVE sharing it 🫶🏻”- Our #FolleaFriend @barbbetts
💕 #FolleaByDanielAlain
#shairyourjourney #curlywig #trichitillomania #hairloss #luxurywigs #wigstyling #lacefrontwigs #lacefrontalwig #medicalwig #humanhairwigs #gluelesswigs #humanhairwig #humanhair #wigs #wig #lacefrontwig #customwigs #wiglife #alopciawigs #alopeciauniversalis #hairlossawarness #wigstyle