How can companies store passwords safely and keep them away from hackers? Well let's find out!
With all the data breaches lately, it's likely that the password of one of your accounts has been compromised. Hackers now might know the password you've used, but they also might not.. To understand why, we'll take a look at what methods a company can use to protect user passwords. We'll take a look at encryption, hash functions and a multilayer approach!
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Passwords & hash functions (Simply Explained)
informationAEShashpassworddummiescoursecomprehensionfundamentalshave i been pwnedbasicstrainingknowledgetroy huntbeginnerdropboxlessonpwnedcomrpehendmd5tutorialSHAbasic tutorialunderstandschoolEncryptionsecurityprotectschoolingsimplerresearchintroductionSHA3SHA2educatepeoplebest practicesdatalearninglearnhackedhowtofreegetting startedsha1functionseducationcryptographybreachsecretself-improvementpasswords