Once she cast enough times Mel saves you from lethal.
Ranked Gameplay
Chasing Traits and Trying Out New Combinations
Set 13
Patch 14.24
TFT Into The Arcane
00:00 Augment 1 - Pilfer
04:06 Augment 2 - Ambusher Crest
07:39 Augment 3 - Teaming Up II
10:20 Anomaly - Diving In
New augments, new traits, hero augments, 3 star champions, Grandmaster, Challenger
#tft #tftset13 #teamfighttactics
New 6 Cost Mel Saved Me A Placement
ChallengerTeamfight TacticsBEST CompsBeginnersMeta BuildRankedHeadlinertftriotheartstonepatch notestourneytournamentnew setgrandmasterfree lpriot gamesGrandmasterssojutop 100gaminggameplayTFTMemesTFTVODTFTUpdateTFTAnalysisTFTClipsTFTContentCreatorTFTStreamerTFTCompTFTGameplayTFTHighlightRankedTFTTFTPatchNotesTFTMetaTFTTipsTFTGuideGamingCommunityStrategyGamingAutoChessTFTTeamFightTacticspbeupgradesopmetadishsoaptactorset 13set14