Heboh tempat karaoke di tengah hutan disulap jadi bangunan masjid super mewah. Pemerintah kabupaten (PEMKAB) Bojonegoro membangun masjid yang megah dan mewah di kawasan perbatasan barat. Area dibangunnya masjid ini dulunya merupakan kawasan warung tempat karaoke.
Melalui dinas perumahan kawasan pemukiman dan cipta karya masjid Bojonegoro itu dibangun di kecamatan Margomulyo yang berikatan dengan kabupaten Ngawi.
Selain tempat ibadah pembangunan masjid ini menjadi daya tarik di wilayah perbatasan kabupaten Bojonegoro.
Kepala bidang (Kabid) tata bangunan dinas perumahan kawasan pemukiman dan cipta karya kabupaten Bojonegoro Beny Kurniawan menjelaskan salah satu tujuan pembangunan masjid ini agar menjadi destinasi religi dan rest area di wilayah wilayah barat Bojonegoro.
Untuk syiar Islam dan meramaikan kawasan setempat agar perekonomian meningkat.
Hal yang menarik masjid didesain megah dan mewah.
It's a great the karaoke place in the middle of a forest has been transformed into a super luxurious mosque building. The district government (PEMKAB) of Bojonegoro built a magnificent and luxurious mosque in the western border area. The area where the mosque was built was formerly a karaoke shop area.
Through the Bojonegoro residential and copyright housing agency, the mosque was built in the Margomulyo sub-district, which borders the Ngawi district.
Apart from being a place of worship, the construction of this mosque is an attraction in the border area of Bojonegoro regency.
The head of the housing development department (Kabid) for the residential area and copyright works of the Bojonegoro district, Beny Kurniawan, explained that one of the objectives of building this mosque was to become a religious destination and rest area in the western region of Bojonegoro.
To spread Islam and enliven the local area so that the economy increases.
The interesting thing is that the mosque is designed magnificently and luxuriously.
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