Folding 2x4 workbench with multiple woodworking attachments.
Shave horse/Spoon mule plans. [ Ссылка ]
I am trying to make plans for the other attachments but I am new to making plans and its taking a while. I put together a basic plans of the base, spoon mule and shave horse with all the measurements I think it would take to make one for yourself.
Ultimate Folding Shave Horse PLANS
Woodworkingwoodcarvingwood burningpyrographyLeather workingstitch ponysaddle stitchspoon muleshaving horsebowl carvingfrom 2x4'sbuilding shave horseshave horse plansshave ponyultimate shave hosebest shave horsebowl carving horsebest shave horsseultimate shave horse2x4 shavehorseprotablehow to make a shave horseDIY shavehorsespoon carvingspoon knifehook knife