n the fictional city of Kittydale, an indoor playground called the Purr'N'Play is where children play, sometimes with the place's resident cats Ginny, Sparks, Buddy, and Bitsy. When trouble occurs in the city, they are called into action by whomever contacts them. The cats enter their underground headquarters called the SuperKitty Cavern and transform into the SuperKitties, who possess special abilities and access to tools like their Yarn Blasters they can use to help the citizens. They use these tools to solve problems while showing kindness to everyone, including the villains causing the problems.
Season two has the SuperKitties sporting their new Su-Purr Charged suits that grant them new powers.
Follow along in today's video as we check out the new SuperKitties toys that we can make our own SuperKitties pretend play adventures with!
Check out our Bluey videos as well!!
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