Rajasthan Police tried to help Salman Chishti prompting him to tell that he was drunk while issuing threats. The video of cop went viral that blows the cover of seemingly systemic attempt to shield a man who openly announced a bounty on Nupur Sharma's head, a police man in rajasthan trying to tutor Salman Chishti as to how he can save himself. It is Sandip Saraswat the same DSP and circle office of Dargah where the man who is entrusted with ensuring peace area is the one who is actually tutoring and coaching, what Salman Chishti can say in his line of defence. ‘Say that you were drunk, it will be easy to save you’; Rajasthan police caught coaching arrested Salman Chishti who wanted to kill Nupur Sharma.
#Rajasthan #SalmanChishti #SandipSaraswat
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