I Watch a good amount of street skateboarding but still didn’t know who each and every one of the skaters listed on the skater of the year contenders listed for the annual SOTY ‘contest’ held by thrasher magazine. Always a controversial topic, I figured worth looking into who’s in the runnings! This isn’t a best tricks recap, just a clip I liked from each individual. Skaters like Yuto Horigome, Tony Hawk, Miles Silvas, TJ Rogers, Mason Silva, Fabiana and Pedro Delfino, Ryan Sheckler, Arin Lester, Jack O Grady, Patrick Pramann and many more battle it out for the title. Comment who you think will win (or won’t! And why) below!!
滑板运动, स्केटबोर्डिंग, التزلج على اللوح السكيت, скейтбординг, スケートボード, ਸਕੇਟਬੋਰਡਿੰਗ
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