Watch Shah Rukh Khan, Anushka Sharma, Katrina Kaif and Aanand L Rai get candid about their characters. Enjoy this exclusive 'Spilling the beans with the cast' video. #Zero2018 #ShahRukhKhan #AnushkaSharma #KatrinaKaif #AanandLRai #2Zero18
Red Chillies Entertainment and Colour Yellow Production come together to bring the film, produced by Gauri Khan, ZERO is all set to release by 21st December 2018
For more updates on Zero, click on the links below:
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#ZeroKaSach | Behind The Scenes | Zero
zero behind the scenesbehind the scenes zeroZero trailerzero official trailerzero 2018zero teaserzero new filmzero red chillies entertainmentSRK birthdayshah rukh khanKatrina kaifanushka sharmaanand l raitanu weds manucolour yellowBollywood newnew releasezero trailer HDsalman khanbauuabauaa2zero18eid trailerzero full movie HDr madhavanzero 21 Decemberzero the moviezero the film