A teenage dalit girl was allegedly gangraped by four persons in Saraimeer area of the district, police said on Friday (May 30). The incident took place last night when four men allegedly caught the 17-year-old girl here and gangraped her in a nearby field, they said. The accused have been identified as Mukesh, Arvind, Vikram and Durgesh. Police said all four accused fled the spot after the crime. An FIR has been lodged in this connection and the hunt is on to nab the four accused, they said. The incident comes just three days after the shocking gangrape case of two dalit sisters in Badaun in the state, whose bodies were found hanging from a tree. Social Media Links :-
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3rd rape reported in 48 hours in UP
3rd rape reported in 48 hours in UPRape victim's mother assaultedUttar Pradeshgangraped2 minors killedhung from a treeTIMES NOWcurrent affairsbreaking newsworlddaily storiescrimelivenewsviewexclusivechannellatestarnab goswamiyoutubemost watchedmost viewedtoday2014Indiaheadlinestrending newsnews updates