The release of the Hema Committee report on August 19th has triggered a major upheaval in the Malayalam film industry. Senior actor Siddique resigned as General Secretary of the Association of Malayalam Movie Artists (AMMA) following rape allegations by actress Revathy Sampath, who has also prompted Siddique to file a complaint against her. Bengali actress Sreelekha Mitra accused filmmaker Ranjith of sexual misconduct, leading to his resignation from the Kerala Chalachitra Academy. Additional allegations have emerged against actors Jayasurya, 'Idavela' Babu, and Raju, and actor Geetha Vijayan has accused filmmaker Thulasidas of attempted assault in 1991. In response, Kerala Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan has established a Special Investigation Team (SIT) to address these complaints, though the outcomes of potential investigations and consequences for those found guilty remain uncertain.
#malyalamfilm #hemacommittee #amma
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