kepala gerobak traktor/penyambung gerobak dengan traktor, sering menemui kesulitan saat posisi troktor dengan gerobak tidak sama rata,jadi ketika akan memasang pen pengait, gak bisa masuk karena posisi lubang pada hitch dan lubang kepala gerobak tidak lurus,solusinya di buat kepala gerobak fleksibel
semoga bermanfaat 🤲🤲🤲
the head of the tractor wagon / connecting the wagon with the tractor, often encounters difficulties when the position of the tractor with the cart is not evenly distributed, so when installing the hook, it cannot enter because the position of the hole in the hitch and the hole in the cart head is not straight, the solution is to make the cart head flexible
hope it's useful🤲🤲🤲
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