Hello, I'm Neil & welcome to THE RIDER GUIDER ...
This is the number one defensive motorcycle riding tips channel on YouTube. We're not going to win the war against inattention on our roads. In actual fact it's only going to get worse since we now have addictive electronic devices not only in our hands but built in to vehicles apparently to assist the 'driving experience'. Since the invention of motorcycles, bikers have been trying to educate motorists to think bike whenever they pull out of a junction or change lane. The only way we're going to survive on our motorbikes is by improving ourselves & changing our expectations of motorists because we can't rely on them to improve their driving.
In this upload we have a section of my commute where I predict traffic behaviour and use my road and lane positioning to my advantage, see and be seen is the message, I do this by adjusting my line of sight, constantly evaluating the potential danger and reducing any chance of a near miss and increasing my chance of a ride without any conflict.
Thanks for joining me!
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