1500 gr tempe (3,5 lbs of tempeh)
250 gr wortel (1/2 lb of carrot)
250 kacang panjang (1/2 lb of long beans)
10 siung bawang putih (10 cloves of garlic)
10 siung bawang merah (10 bulbs of shallot)
100 gr cabai (4 oz of chili)
2 sdm udang rebon (2 tbsp of dried shrimp)
1 sdt garam (1 tsp of salt)
2 sdt kaldu bubuk (2 tsp of stock powder)
1 sdt lada bubuk (1 tsp of stock powder)
10 sdm kecap manis (10 tbsp of sweet soy sauce)
2 sdm saos tiram (2 tbsp of oyster sauce)
200 CC air (a cup of water)
email bisnis 👉
Instagram 👉 dapur _mbok.midut
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