The reimagining of Jaws entirely in Lego has taken the internet by storm. This unique animation combines the classic Jaws shark scenes with the playful creativity of Lego. Directed by an inspired animator, it’s a nod to Steven Spielberg’s original masterpiece, with even Steven Spielberg interview moments recreated in Lego form. The animation meme culture has embraced this project, making it a viral hit. Fans of both Jaws 1975 and Lego Star Wars will find this shitty Lego meme delightful and engaging. Produced by Universal Pictures, this project brings a fresh twist to a beloved classic. Whether you're a fan of the original Jaws or just love creative Lego animations, this project is a must-watch. Stay tuned as we dive deeper into this innovative and fun-filled world of Lego Jaws! This is our first time watching, and first time watching with a reaction. Imagine Jaws but entirely made out of Lego, and it’s awesome! 🦈✨ Dive into this hilarious and creative reimagining of the classic Spielberg thriller.
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