Coach, I want to be shredded. Diced. Sliced. Peeled. Some other words that describe onions, too.
I've been pretty lean. It's not all it's cracked up to be. And if you are 30-40% bodyfat, your goal should NOT be 5-9% body fat. Some coaches might grin and promise it's possible and take your money. But I can't promise that. Because it's probably not.
People don't realize how lean a LEGIT 10% bodyfat is. It's very lean. It's likely the leanest person in your gym. And I don't mean "Ronnie Coleman style" 10% bodyfat. I mean *real* 10% bodyfat.
I advise most male clients that are above 25% (US average is 28% so that's a lot of people) to first get into the 15-20% body fat range and see how they feel. See how things go. Get strong in that time. Learn how to maintain. Learn good habits. Enjoy life while being a badass. Don't be too strict. Learn to f*ck up your diet while still maintaining in the long term. Do all the things in life than ARE NOT POSSIBLE at 6-8% sitting there in dicedville.
Then, if you really want to, maybe check out the 12-15% range. See how that end of the pool feels. But don't bother with under 10% as a TRUE natural unless you have a very good reason, like a show or modeling career or you're an Instagram influencer.
Ladies, add ~8% to all BF% listed, and keep in mind that you need fat as well, perhaps even more than men.
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