Title: "Christmas Musical 2024 | Ascension Mar Thoma Church Choir | Hyderabad | Event Recording"
Relive the magic of the Ascension Mar Thoma Church Choir's Christmas Musical held in Hyderabad! 🎄✨ This special recording captures the heart and soul of our celebration, featuring soul-stirring carols, choral harmonies, and inspiring narration that reflect the true spirit of Christmas.
Through powerful songs and moving performances, we shared the message of hope, peace, and the joy of Christ’s birth with our church family and friends. If you missed the event or want to experience it again, this video is for you!
#ChristmasMusical #AscensionMarThomaChurch #ChurchChoir #HyderabadChoir #GodIsWithUs #ChristmasCelebration #LiveGospelMusic #Christmas2024 #ChristmasCarols #ChurchMusic
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