Dr. Jane Goodall, DBE, founder of the Jane Goodall Institute and UN Messenger of Peace shares her thoughts on World Rangers Day, July 31, 2021. World Rangers Day is an important day of honor, remembrance, and action in response to the noble and essential work of rangers worldwide who tirelessly protect habitats, wildlife, and human co-existence with the natural world. Dr. Goodall's own organization the Jane Goodall Institute is proud to support local rangers and work collaboratively with local communities in vital reserves and great ape ecosystems using innovative technology to prevent illegal trade. Jane is also friend of the Thin Green Line Foundation, which works to provide vital support to Park Rangers and their communities who are the front-line of conservation. Today and every day, let us make sure these heroes can continue these crucial efforts.
Here's what you can do:
Post a message acknowledging our conservation heroes tagging @janegoodallinst @thingreenlinefoundation
Learn more about Jane at janegoodall.org and Thin Green Line Foundation at thingreenline.org.au, and the International Ranger Federation at internationalrangers.org.
Photo credit: Chase Pickering
Dr. Jane Goodall's Message for World Ranger Day | 2021
ChimpanzeesChimpsClosest living relativesNatureGive a pant-hootPant hootJane GoodallDr. Jane GoodallDr. Goodallthe Jane Goodall InstituteTchimpounga Chimpanzee Rehabilitation CenterWildlifeConservationApesPrimatesBonusUse codeJaneDocumentaryLearn something newScienceScience communicationPoachingPochersIllegal wildlife tradeIllegal bushmeat tradePetsJGIWorld Ranger DayRangerNational parkWildlife sanctuaryProtect animalsEarth