This Motivational Monday Video is all about THE FRAMING EFFECT PSYCHOLOGY- HOW TO TRAIN YOUR BRAIN. If we train our muscles to respond in a certain way, then it makes sense that we can train our brain to respond positively. It depends on how we “frame” our choices.
Has the framing effect ever been used on you? Tell me about it the comment section below!
I would venture to say that it has. For instance, THE FRAMING EFFECT PSYCHOLOGY occurs all the time throughout a grocery store. The best-selling mix of ground beef is 80% lean and 20% fat. However, when the labels say either 20% FAT or 73% LEAN, more people purchase the packages that read, 73% LEAN. It’s framed better!
93% of PhD students register early if they are told there is a PENALTY for late registration. Only 67% register early when they’re told there is a DISCOUNT for early registration.
After watching the same car crash, people who are asked, "How fast were the cars going when they CONTACTED?" remembered slower speeds than those who were asked, "How fast was the car going when they CRASHED?"
Try using the FRAMING EFFECT to TRAIN YOUR BRAIN to understand situations better and to take action in a more positive way. Instead of saying, I HAVE to go to work, you say, I AM ABLE to go to work.
For me, I practice framing every time I wear a face mask. I am wearing a face mask…FOR NOW!
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The Framing Effect Psychology- How to Train Your Brain!
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