[ Ссылка ] Russell Paddick, Superintendent of Kangaroo Valley Golf Course speaks about the benefits of using the Ventrac tractors and attachments on the course. Paddick's course features very difficult terrain consisting of slopes, ditches, and ravines that lead to water features at the bottom. Being able to safely operate on these difficult grades of slope is important to Paddick. "We used to use whipper snippers on the hills, now that we have the Ventrac, we can anywhere and mow anything" said Paddick.
One of the biggest advantages Ventrac has been able to offer Paddick's course is the tractors light footprint. The light footprint has virtually eliminated leaving tracks on the course caused by heavy machines. This benefit is very important to Paddick as it eliminated the time he had to spend fixing tracks that the old equipment used to leave on the course.
When Paddick purchased Ventrac, he was excited about the versatility the machine could offer his course. "When you are buying a Ventrac, you are not just buying one machine, you are buying thirty machines" said Paddick. The ability to add inexpensive attachments instead of purchasing dedicated machines allowed Paddick to stretch his budget further, and tackle more tasks around the course.
When asked to summarize his thoughts on Ventrac, Paddick replied "Ventrac is our favorite machine on the course".
Equipment Featured in this video:
MJ840 Contour Mower:
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HQ680 Native Grass Mower:
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EA600 Aera-Vator for Aeration:
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KH500 Loader:
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KC180 Stump Grinder:
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HB580 Power Broom
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KD Power Angle Blades
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KY400 Trencher:
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ET200 Turbine Style Blower:
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Kangaroo Valley's Favorite Golf Course Mower
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