SHIAH - Pronunciation, Meaning, and How to Use It in 2023
Shiah, also known as Shia or Shiite, refers to one of the main branches of Islam.
It is a minority sect representing about 10-15% of Muslims worldwide.
Shiah Muslims believe in the infallibility and divine appointment of the twelve Imams, starting with Ali ibn Abi Talib, the cousin and son-in-law of the Islamic prophet Muhammad.
They hold a distinct set of beliefs and practices, including different interpretations of Islamic law and religious rituals.
Shiah Islam has various sub-sects, such as Twelver Shia, Ismaili, and Zaidi, each with their own specific theological perspectives.
To pronounce 'Shiah', you can say 'shee-ah', 'shee-uh', or 'shy-ah'.
Test yourself by speaking the following examples:
1. Many Shiah Muslims participate in the annual commemoration of Ashura.
2. The holy city of Najaf in Iraq is an important pilgrimage site for Shiah Muslims.
3. Shiah Islam has a rich tradition of religious scholarship and intellectual discourse
Last updated: September, 2023
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