The Director of Undergraduate Studies at Harvard University believes all drugs should be legalized. but Jeffrey Miron doesnt see legalization as a complete solution to problems like drug abuse and violence in Mexico. I dont claim legalization is a solution. Some people will misuse drugs just as they misuse alcohol, but the magnitude of negative things would be vastly redeuced if it were legal, he said.
Bob Stutman is a former DEA agent who disagrees with Miron. Drugs are not bad because theyre illegal. Drugs are illegal because theyre bad, argued Stutman. The former DEA agent claims that drug addiction will increase by 500% if drugs were legalized.
Miron disagrees. As Mr. Stutman say, were not going to eliminate all negatives of drugs by legalizing but hes exaggerating enormously to say that we would have this huge increase. Theres not a shred of evidence to suggest anything like that kind of increase.
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