ISRO launched Chandrayaan 2 in July 2019. Its lander failed to Land moon on 7 September 2019. Now India is heading back for a moon landing on 12 July 2023 with Chandrayaan 3. What caused the Landing failure of Vikram in 2019 is still a mystery for many. We will try to explain Why Chandrayaan 2 failed to land on Moon. What did ISRO learn from that failure? How they used a failure-based design for Chandrayaan 3? And what is new in Chandrayaan 3 Lander? All of this is explained in Hindi by Ayushkaari.
Ending Music - Kaccha Ghada by Rahgir - [ Ссылка ]
Edited by - Abhishek Yadav
Script and Narration - Ayush Yadav
0:00 - Intro - 7 September 2019
1:58 - Descent and Orbital Mechanics
5:07 - What Happened that night?
7:54 - Finding the Crash Site
9:58 - Failure Analysis of Chandrayaan 2
11:50 - What went wrong with Vikram?
17:45 - Upgrades in Chandrayaan 3
20:43 - Robustness, Redundancy & Testing
23:22 - Ending - Learning from Failures
S Somnath on Failure-Based Design - [ Ссылка ]
Manish Kashyap on Limits - [ Ссылка ]
PV Vekatakrishnan on Throttling - [ Ссылка ] - 1:21:00
Vikram Debris - [ Ссылка ]
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BG Music
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How Failure Transformed Chandrayaan 3? | Ayushkaari
Chandrayaan 3Chandrayaan 3 LaunchISROMoon LandingVikram LanderIndia Moon LandingDesign of VikramChandrayaan 2 failurewhy vikram crashedS SomnathK SivanChandrayaan 2 Vs Chandrayaan 3India moon missionhow chandrayaan 3 workschandrayaan 3 explainedmoon landing explainedVikram Lander explainedayushkarilallantop sciencekaarisciencekaarichandrayaan 3 launchchandrayaan 3 newschandrayaan 3 missionisro chandrayaan 3 mission