Hey my loves,
Welcome back to my channel.If you are new here,you are most most most welcome. In this video,I dish out all the experiences I had whiles in South Africa. The culture shocks,I talk about their food?,the people and every little detail.
Hope you enjoy this video and I hope it does bring some smiles on your face.
💕 love,
#southafricansarecool #southafricanwomen #cultureshock #ghanaianyoutuber #southafricavlog johannesburg #sandton city
My beautiful experiences in South Africa🇿🇦as a Ghanaian🇬🇭
South africa culture shockafricaculture shockculture shocksfirst time in soutb africafirst time in south acricaghana vlogghanaian in south africaghanaian toutuberghanaian youtuberjohannesburgjohannesburg livingliving in south africamy experiencesrosebanksandton citysouth africasouth africa vlogsouth african culture shocksouth african foodsouth african womensouth african youtubersouth africanssouth africans are beautifulsouthafrica