Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy inaugurated the pump house at Lakkasagaram in Kurnool district on September 19, 2023. The pump house is part of the larger YS Jagananna Sujala Sravanthi irrigation project, which is aimed at providing irrigation to all cultivable land in the state.
The inauguration of the Lakkasagaram pump house is a significant event for the farmers of Kurnool district. It will provide irrigation to over 50,000 acres of land and benefit over 20,000 farmers.
In this video, we will see CM YS Jagan Mohan Reddy inaugurating the pump house and interacting with the farmers. We will also hear from the Chief Minister about his vision for agriculture in Andhra Pradesh and his commitment to serving the farmers of the state.
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