In India’s spiritual and cultural city, Jammu and Kashmir, nearly Rs 100 crore projects have been launched which are dedicated to the people of Jammu, said the Lieutenant Governor Shri Manoj Sinha. In addition, around Rs 90 crore worth new projects have been inaugurated. He congratulated every citizen of Jammu for getting modern conveniences. For Bawashiya and commercial property, he said, a unique digital ID geo tagging will be arranged. To improve and facilitate citizen services we will get great help from it, said the Lieutenant Governor. A QR Code facility will also be there. Citizens can get information sitting at home.
In the last three years under the guidance of the Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi whether it be the cities of Jammu and Kashmir or the villages, they are going through a massive change and many projects have been fulfilled, started or are nearing completion. The impact is now being felt by the people of Jammu and Kashmir. The results of these projects are becoming visible for the people. The administration, the Municipal Council and the Smart City projects are together working to make Jammu be counted among the best cities in India. But the LG pointed out, success will be achieved only when the citizens of Jammu themselves get smart in order to make Jammu a Smart City. He said that he has faith that in the coming years, the efforts that are being made towards Smart Mobility and Smart Economy will bring Smart Living for the citizens. He hoped that we all are successful in making the city of Jammu culturally rich, vibrant, happy and healthy.
#smartcity #lgmanojsinha #jammu
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