Ankle Fusion Surgery Video.
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Voice by: Sue Stern.
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Ankle arthrodesis, commonly known as “ankle fusion surgery”, is a reconstructive surgical procedure where the bones of a damaged ankle joint are fused into one single bone. This eliminates motion and reduces pain associated with movement of the joint. It is a highly successful procedure commonly suggested for repair of severely injured joints.
During the procedure, the end of the fibula is cut to gain access to the joint. Damaged bones and cartilage are then removed. Screws, and possibly plates, are used to fix the tibia and talus together. With time, bone tissue grows fusing the joint into one solid mass of bone. Sometimes, bone graft may be added to facilitate bone growth. Bone graft is usually taken from some other bones of the same person. Screws and plates will remain inside the body after surgery.
After the surgery, the up and down range of motion is mostly restricted, but lateral movement remains unchanged. The majority of people with ankle fusion do not limp. Compared to ankle joint replacement and other ankle procedures, ankle fusion has higher success rate, with less pain and less complication risk.
Ankle Fusion Surgery Animation
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