I was asked on my "5 minute press up workout" video to do a 5 minute pull up workout.... well here it is!
Adopting the standard overhand pull up grip we use a training technique of every minute on the minute (sometimes referred to as EMOM).
5 strict pull ups at the start of every minute 5 sets for a total of 25 in 5 minutes.
I'm using my favourite bit of kit - the freestanding pull up bar station which I highly recommend.
I've checked Amazon and noticed that this pull up bar is no longer in stock. Here's a (slightly better) alternative:
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As soon as i notice this one back in stock I will post the link as its a bit cheaper.
Want a cheaper option? Check out this door gym, door frame pull up bar from Adidas
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Pull ups are a great exercise that can be done virtually anywhere. They help build functional strength and improve your physique and can also be very useful in building a huge wide back and also building your arms - when done properly!
5 Minute Pull Up Workout
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