Qimage One 2023 includes a new feature called Multi Panel Prints. This feature lets you print an image to any size you would like by defining multiple panels which align to generate a large print. You can define the size and number of panels, including a gap. This is helpful if you are trying to print a larger image to fit within a window frame. Don't be restricted by your printer's maximum paper size any longer - think big!
Mike Chaney demonstrates how to align panels printed using Qimage's Multi Panel Print feature.
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Multi Panel Prints in Qimage One
photophotosimageimagespicturepicturesprintprintsprintingprinterinkjetcolorlayoutcanvaspapermatteglossysoftwarequalitywindowsmacmacosmicrosoftapplecanonepsonhprollsheetqimageqimage onebinarteminterpolationinterpolatesharpsharpeningrippluginadobephotoshoplightroomborderbordersmirrorstretchcropresizepagemarginairprintdriverrgbrelativeabsolutesoft proofsoftprooficcprofilepanelmultiposterwindowframepanelslargebiggapsplit