Playing Lottie animations on an ESP32-S3 round device! #shorts That Project 0:59 2023-01-26 23:02 4 325 0 10 Информация: Скачать Play animations on an ESP32-S3 using the LVGL Lottie Player with rLottie. свернутьТеги ESP32 ProjectThat ProjectArduino ProjectESP32 AnimationESP32 Round DisplayArudino Round DisplayLVGL Lottie PlayerrLottieSamsunglottie ArduinoHome Assistantmagnetic encoder knobZX2D10GE01R-V4848Rotary Switch Screeniotrotaty encoderhall encodervibratorIoT round screenAfter Effects LottieESP32-S3 ProjectSmart Knob2.1 inch round displayDeveloper and designer work togetherLottie vs. GIF vs. PNG SequenceFuture of Animation: Lottie
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