Mahasamadhi significa "Grande êxtase". Maha = grande, samadhi = êxtase. É a última vez que um yogue avançado deixa o corpo conscientemente, o processo da morte física, mas de forma consciente, ou seja, Yogananda sabia o momento exato e como deixaria este mundo. Várias horas antes, ele disse a Sri Daya Mata: "Quando eu partir, somente o amor tomará o meu lugar. Embriaguem-se de amor divino, dia e noite, e deem esse amor ao mundo." Yogananda é aclamado "Pai do Yoga no Ocidente".
The video text says:
"Paramahansa Yogananda, the father of yoga in the West, left this world on March 7, 1952. He said: "I will not die lying on a bed, but standing up with my boots on, speaking of my love for God and India ". Just as he prophesied, he left this world reciting his poem "my India", speaking of his great love for God and for his native land, India.
His incorruptible body had the smile of bliss.
Through his teachings and the classic "Autobiography of a Yogi", Yogananda united East and West.
Greetings to the great yogi of God from India."
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